Understanding How Social Stress Affects Medication Withdrawal and Mental Health

When I began to learn about functional and energy medicine as an integrative psychiatrist, I learned critical information that helped me to understand how social stressors affect mental health and how to intervene to restabilize patients who have withdrawn from their psychiatric medications. Read on to learn more.

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A Basic Understanding of Antipsychotic Withdrawal

What kinds of basic information do patients need to know before they attempt to lower their antipsychotic medications? What does a clinician need to know in order to facilitate a successful withdrawal process for the patient? Here is an essential two-minute summary to help you have a broad understanding before you get started.

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A Simple, Effective, and Free Way to Lower Psychiatric Medications

Generally, traditional psychiatrists attribute relapses and symptoms associated with psychiatric medication withdrawal to a recurrence of the patient's illness. This perspective leads to restarting medication(s) if the withdrawal is unsuccessful.

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