Boosting Our Mood Naturally During Stressful Times


On Tuesday (Today), April 28, Lillian McDermott will be interviewing me on the topic: Boosting Our Mood Naturally During Depressing Times.

Make sure to tune in on her Facebook page here at 5:00 PM ET. In the meantime, you can check out her podcasts here.

Are there ways to lessen the harm and negative impact of loss, insecurity, and sadness? Today I want to share my reflections on how to use holistic and integrative approaches, rather than taking a prescription medication.

Have a great week!

Boosting Our Mood Naturally During Stressful Times

How to Remain Strong and Resilient, Vulnerable and Real


Do you know what I thought when I was given the topic for the radio show? I thought “. . . as if I have a magic wand to help people be happy when they’ve lost someone (or several people) close to them from the coronavirus, or are facing financial ruin when their business closes, or when they’re in isolation with a fever of 105, coughing and vomiting, and not knowing if they’ll survive . . .”

But, my response was, “Sure, I’d be happy to talk about that during the interview.”

What to say?! How to help?!

Well, the first thing I’d like to say is that it’s normal to feel sad, be distraught, and cry under any of these extremely stressful circumstances. I certainly won’t think it’s being weak or unprepared. I won’t blame or shame those with survivor’s guilt if someone they love dies from exposure to the virus.

However, the difference between a holistic perspective and a traditional perspective is in the treatment approach to feeling down. Being human is difficult. And because it’s difficult, it’s important to take time to grieve rather than take a medication to numb one’s feelings. Feelings are not the enemy. Feelings are a part of who we are.

The second thing is that when stress happens, our bodies will work harder to help us through hard times. Just like a factory, the body will need more materials to function properly, and it will produce more waste products. We will need some nutritional support to handle the increased oxidative stress and inflammation that come with grief and pain.

Smoothies are great at increasing absorbable nutrients in a living, easily digestible form. Get plenty of water and rest. In addition, here are some of my favorite supplements to mitigate stress (the amount of minerals found in one apple in 1914 is equal to 26 apples in 1997. So if you haven’t eaten your 30 apples a day to keep the doctor away, then take some of these):

  1. BrainChild Spectrum Support Minerals (unflavored)

  2. BrainChild Spectrum Support II Vitamins (Lemon Lime flavored)

  3. Perque Digesta Guard Forte 10 or for probiotics

  4. Omegagenics EPA-DHA 2400 5 fl. oz. (by Metagenics)

  5. Organifi Green Juice Powder

  6. Organic Hemp Protein powder with fiber (by Manitoba Harvest)

Loss of control, routine, relationships, security, and money are the hardest challenges anyone can face. These challenges can be crippling. But, instead of going to a traditional doctor and be given a diagnosis like depression and a prescription for Zoloft, try using energy medicine techniques.

Empirical experiences have shown me that powerful healing at the subconscious level can happen quickly using these energy medicine techniques. My two favorites are: EET + Logosynthesis and Ask and Receive. If I were in crisis, I would do them right away, several times. I would feel better almost immediately from doing these techniques. Don’t let their simplicity or accessibility fool you. Energy medicine techniques such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) have been used by the military to help reduce the harmful effects of PTSD.

On top of everything, social isolation/ physical distancing has raised stress to an even higher level for those who live alone. Even the most diehard introverts need some social connection and conversation, so don’t be shy about using your phone, FaceTime, or Zoom to reach out to someone you know. Reconnect with your spiritual resources and draw comfort from knowing that we have more in common with each other than we think, and we are more loved than we know. Take the time to meditate and connect your soul to healing energy or take a moment to quiet your racing mind by just focusing on your breathing.

The antidote to disconnection is connection: to your breath, yourself, nature, and to other people (through their writing or their presence). It’s not about how many Facebook friends you have; it’s about how connected you feel to the pulse of Life. Take a moment to recognize all the signs of your connection to Life/ Source in the miracle of a single breath, a single cell, and a single you.

Take care of yourself and have a great week!