The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast


Have you ever heard a patient talk about coming off six psychiatric medications with ease? How does she do it? What are her secrets?

What about success stories from patients labeled as "bipolar" who came off their mood stabilizers and antidepressants and remained well?

Curious about barriers to healing and how to overcome them?

In my upcoming podcast called, "The Holistic Psychiatrist," you'll have the opportunity to explore the answers to all of these questions and enjoy many wonderful stories and insights from experienced holistic practitioners.

I have been working with Marc Ronicka wonderful, experienced podcast producerto create an amazing weekly podcast with its own moving, original music score. It will be launched soon on Wednesday, February 17, 2021.

The Holistic Psychiatrist podcast will be a fun, fascinating, and informative resource for those who want to know more about holistic psychiatry. Read on for the link to a trailer/preview that you can find on my YouTube channel.

Have an amazing week!

The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast

Launch Date February 17, 2021


To be both creative as a writer and helpful as a healer has always been my highest goal in life. This year I will have the amazing opportunity to blossom in these areas through two regular creative projects: 1) writing a regular column for Clinical Psychiatry News, and 2) The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast!

Of course, I will continue to write my Holistic Updates. Since I began working with Jack Rome, my website and editorial support, I have consistently written one article per week since June 2018! Writing these articles has honed my skills as a writer and healer, and I am deeply grateful for the growth I've enjoyed from sharing my thoughts with you each week.

Click on the photo below to listen to the podcast trailer/preview: