Connecting to Abundance


Lately, I've had several opportunities to learn and teach about the nature of abundance. How do we find abundance? How do we rid ourselves of scarcity? Is there a way for us to be creators of abundance rather than victims of scarcity? Read on for some of my experiences and reflections on this topic.

This week, my podcast will feature an interview with a psychologist whose 12-year-old daughter healed from depression in just a few short weeks through a holistic regimen (no serotonin support necessary)! Check out the new podcast teaser for Wednesday's podcast.

Also, going forward, my Weekly Updates will be called "Holistic Updates" and will be coming out every other week as I focus on producing my podcasts weekly and continue to write my Clinical Psychiatry News articles every two months.

Have a great summer!

Connecting to Abundance
Detaching from scarcity


I want to share a very interesting conversation I had with a patient (PW) this week. Around the middle of May, we worked on healing PW from being conditioned to put his job's expectations above his personal goals and aspirations. For many years, he wanted to buy his own company and develop it. But, year after year, he continued to work himself ill in order to meet his job's demands.

A week after our session, his company notified everyone that it was going to "cease operations" in two weeks. As every employee scrambled to find another job, the announcement stimulated PW to finally implement his plan for buying his own company.

A week later, the company rescinded its previous announcement and resumed operations. But by then, PW was no longer attached to the idea of his job being a safety net and was well on his way to manifesting his dreams.

During our follow-up session in June, PW compared transitioning to owning his own company as being like a chick pecking out of its shell to explore the world. We talked about what that shell represented. For him, the shell represented blockages to a state of personal empowerment and access to abundance.

We worked on the following problems, using Ask and Receive:

  1. The belief that abundance comes from others and is disconnected from me.

  2. Letting others misuse my abundance rather than receiving it and magnifying it in my life.

From an early age, environmental influences form our beliefs about abundance. We become convinced that money creates abundance or that it comes from our parents or jobs.

We don't understand how some people seem to have it and others don't. "Perhaps they're just lucky," we think to ourselves. Most of us think of abundance as external to us and difficult to control.

But what if these beliefs are not true? What if abundance is easily accessible like any other energy from Life Energy? What if abundance comes from us rather than to us? And, what if those companies with abundance are actually dependent on us giving upour abundance to them?

Many times in the past, I asked patients to set an intention to connect to Love as a source of energy from Life Energy. When they do so, they are immediately and significantly stronger.

This effect could be easily tested by having the patient hold their arm out and testing their strength before and after they intend to connect to the energy of love.

I have a theory that abundance is no different than any other energy in the field of Life Energy. I believe that by setting an intention to connect to abundance, we will allow that energy to flow to us and help us manifest it physically in our lives.

In the past, I've tested this theory when under great duress (when there was no other source to turn to). The rest of the time, I would fall back to my old paradigm that abundance came as a result of my own hard work.

However, whenever I have turned to God/Source of Life Energy for abundance, wonderful miracles flowed to me. It affirmed my faith in God/Life Energy as a viable source for abundance.

What I am working on now is similar, but I am taking my energy practice one step further. I want to shift my belief to one of daily connection to abundance.

That is, I'm not waiting for a major crisis to justify an emergency petition to God for abundance. I'm working on creating that same abundance every day of my life because abundance is part of being connected to Life Energy. Why block it with our old belief systems?

At the end of our session, I challenged the patient to work on his connection to abundance. We will be meeting in a month. I told him that I will work on it too because I would love to manifest more abundance in my own life. When we have our next follow-up session, we will compare how we did. It is our experiment to see if our theory is right.

I hope you'll join us in our experiment for manifesting daily abundance.

May you be successful in manifesting greater abundance in your life!

The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast (Ep. 22):

Recovering Rapidly from Depression
Through a Holistic Psychiatric Approach

Check out the teaser for the new episode out tomorrow!

Resolving two years of depression in three sessions? Apparently, with a holistic psychiatric approach, this is entirely possible! Many times, people assume that healing mental illness will require years, or that depression is “chronic” so it can’t ever resolve.

Mandy’s healing from depression shows both the power and rapidity of recovery from a holistic intervention. Mandy's mother, a psychologist, shares the story of her young daughter’s healing journey when she was just 12 years old.

Click here for the full episode available on Wednesday.
Be sure to subscribe!