An Update on My Practice


Hello there,

A lot has been going on in my life and practice: my search for a new home in a different state, the IMMH (Integrative Medicine for Mental Health) conference this weekend, and arrangements for the upcoming podcast.

Here are just some updates this past week that I hope you'll find interesting. Have a great week!

An Update on My Practice

The move, the podcast, and insights


The move: 

Selling, as it turned out, was the easy part. Buying is the actual challenge. I didn't know that buying a house during this time would be as tough as getting into Harvard business school. With low inventory, competitive investors, and a glut of desperate customers, I have learned that there is one profession that requires more patience than psychiatry: real estate. At least, myreal estate agent has the patience of a Zen Buddhist monk.

An example of our texts:
Me: "I think house hunting is rather stressful. Do realtors get PTSD from this line of work?"
Agent: "I have had to learn immense patience and perspective to do this long term. It can be a nail biter. So...yes...PTSD is def a real thing."

Unexpectedly, finding a house has taught me a lot about being okay with my own powerlessness. When meeting challenges, I will typically work harder and be more assertive. However, sometimes in life working harder doesn't lead to success. Facing my frustrations has taught me to reach deeper for greater faith, hope, and gratitude in spite of the disappointments and frustrations I've faced.


The podcast:

I just want to share the latest update on my podcast cover. The podcast will be launched after I have settled into my new home. I will, however, be making additional recordings that will come out once it's launched.

Insights from my practice and from the IMMH conference:

At the conference, I learned that just about every diagnosis, from traumatic brain injury (TBI) to dementia, can resolve through integrative medicine approaches. I was impressed by the role of hyperbaric oxygen chambers for healing the brain from TBIs and PTSD. It is great to see that integrative approaches have come so far in so many areas of mental health! I will share more in future holistic updates.

In addition, I learned the powerful benefits of detoxification on mental health from both energy and functional medicine. They have different effects. Energy medicine's effect is like charging a battery. After a few days, its effects will slowly dissipate. Detoxification through functional approaches can be very powerful too. Avoidance of substances (sometimes these can be supplements) that cause side effects can result in quick recoveries. Nothing lasts forever, of course. Maintaining health often requires a lifestyle change.

Last week, I worked with a patient who slept for about 2 hours a night for three days. During our session, we worked on detoxification and her genetics through the use of targeted, guided visualization with intentions and EET + Logosynthesis. That night, she slept through the night, waking up just once and falling asleep again. These improvements lasted two nights, but then insomnia and nausea returned. This time the patient stopped taking the CBD oil and liposomal GABA oral pumps. These supplement changes resolved her insomnia on the same night. It was all about metabolism and detoxification!

Hope these insights are helpful. Have a wonderful week!