The "Adaline Effect" of Holistic Living


As a new year arrives and another comes to a close, I wonder how many of us wish time could stop when it comes to aging.

Today's Weekly Update focuses on how to avoid aging by adopting an integrative approach to life.

Happy holidays and may you prosper and thrive in 2021.

The "Adaline Effect" of Holistic Living

Three positive side effects of integrative healing


In 2003, during my first integrative conference in Canada, I heard Dr. Abram Hoffer talk about the benefits of an orthomolecular approach. He said, as an aside, that the side effect of an orthomolecular approach was better overall health.

Dr. Hoffer lived to the ripe old age of 91, outliving all of his critics. When I met him in 2003 and communicated with him over the years, his mind remained sharp, and he actively mentored me when I needed his help. In fact, for someone so famous, I was always surprised at how quickly he responded to my emails.

At the time we first met, I had just started taking a multivitamin and mineral supplement, and I was 40 years old. Fast forward to 2020 and many supplements and energy medicine techniques later, I've become a living experiment of the integrative and holistic approach. I want to share my personal experiences and results. Here are some examples:

This past week, someone said to me, "People freak out when they hear that you're 57 years old."

Sitting in front of a homeopathic physician, she looks at my face and says, "I want your skin."

Dozing on the plane while sitting by my son, I wake up to him talking about me to the lady sitting next to him. She wanted to know what kind of beauty routine I used since she couldn't believe that I had a son in his 20's. This happens to me so often that when someone gets confused by how old my children are, I just sigh.

I think I will name it the "Adaline Effect," in honor of the movie, "The Age of Adaline." In the movie, Adaline doesn't age and encounters some challenges associated with her continued youth.

Yes, I still look about 40. When it comes to aging, time seems to have stopped, or at least slowed down significantly. Not only for me but for other patients who live holistically as well.

One current patient said that if people knew the powerful antiaging effects of taking supplements, eating well, and meditating regularly, everyone would be doing it. She is certainly benefiting from doing so herself.

There are three clear side effects besides mental health that come from holistic living:

  1. Aging slows, stops, or reverses.

  2. Energy remains abundant.

  3. Healthy weight maintenance (avoidance of weight gain)

Resulting from these four approaches:

  1. Maintaining a healthy diet (lots of fruits and vegetables, low meat)

  2. Doing energy medicine techniques (meditation, yoga, tai chi, etc.)

  3. Taking nutritional supplements regularly (whole food, refined, glandular support, etc.)

  4. Keeping regular exercise and sleep routines

Ideally, it's best to do all four as regularly as possible.

There you have it, my anti-aging secrets in a nutshell. There's actually no magic moisturizer. But, if you follow the holistic approach, I know that you too will be freaking people out when you tell them your age.

Happy new year!