Strategies For Controlling Energy Medicine Dosing

Manipulating the Amount of Energy Provided Over Time

Thursday, May 2, 2024
Issue #232

I've been learning a lot about energy medicine and healing over these past few months. Here are just a few areas where I've been growing in my understanding:

  1. The relevance of dosing energy and how to manipulate the dosing.

  2. Why people with different mindsets respond to the same energy healing work with different outcomes.

  3. How lying from or withholding information by patients can bias energy testing.

  4. Applying energy healing to help support biorhythms beyond just hormonal cycles.

  5. How to use Energy Breaths to gain helpful intuitive insights on the mysterious underlying causes of complex issues.

Today's Holistic Article will focus on the first item. Also, I have included last week's post on the free EET sessions now available on my podcast and YouTube sites just to give you another opportunity to access them easily.

Have a great week!

Strategies for Controlling Energy Medicine Dosing
Manipulating the Amount of Energy Provided Over Time

Everything depends on precise dosing and timing of dosing whether it involves healing or living.

However, I've noticed a lack of attention, consideration, and understanding of dosing when it comes to energy healing interventions. 

What I do see in the field of energy healing is an all-or-none approach. Clinicians apply intentions on healing energy without considering the question: is this the right amount of energy at the right time?

In fact, I wonder if the need to control and manipulate energy medicine dosing has been seriously considered by the majority of energy healers. After all, energy is invisible and difficult to quantify.

I believe the current assumption is: healing energy will miraculously know how to heal the person and determine, independent of the energy healer's intentions, the treatment process.

I don't think this assumption is true. At least, it is not true sometimes. If it is always true, why would energy healing need energy healers to set healing intentions in the first place? Couldn't healing energy control all of the healing process and do things to the patient without any guidance from the healer or permission from the patient?

Clearly, to some extent, energy healing "work" provided is determined solely by those involved in energy healing. That is, the healing energy's role works more like a tool than the director in the room.

Therefore, responsibility for the healing work rests on the healer's and patient's shoulders, not just on the healing energy. The healer must try to be precise and appropriate in applying energy just as a doctor or surgeon should be precise in their interventions, because healing outcomes are determined by how energy is provided and the intentions used.

Sometimes, an energy healer can send too much energy . . . 

Like the time I sent energy to a bedbound patient at a distance, and he decided to do a bunch of push-ups right afterward and suffered from rhabdomyolysis (break-down of muscle tissue). Once, after I did some energy work on a patient who came into my office walking stiffly like a rusty tin soldier, he went home and did jumping jacks out of the blue.

From my clinical experience, the sicker and weaker the patient the more difficult it will be for the patient to adapt to change, even when it comes to healing energy. This can lead to a common problem seen in energy healing processes called "a healing crisis" where the patient suffers from negative symptoms due to the energy intervention (a common phenomenon with homeopathic interventions).

I think the "healing crisis" is often caused by increased detoxification, oxidative stress, and/or inflammation from the body's increased efforts to heal.

Too much energy provided prematurely in the healing process can result in inappropriate or painful outcomes.

Have a great week!

Becoming more aware of these issues made me reflect on some approaches to dosing healing energy. I've come up with some ideas that I want to share with you today. I'll list them just to make it as easy and simple as possible:

  1. Limit the intentions in the healing processes. I've applied this to the EET process. I will choose specific, perhaps even small issues to heal, limit the number of issues, and change the scope of healing to "these healing issues" rather than to the person's entire "life."  As a result, one patient who can feel healing energy told me that instead of being hit with a tsunami of energy, she felt more of an energy fluctuation that felt as if she was on a rocking boat. 

  2. Limit the amount of time spent on the healing intervention. This includes how often the energy healing technique needs to be repeated by the patient. By using criteria-based energy testing, I can determine how many minutes and/or how many repetitions of a healing technique are appropriate for the session. Then, I test after the energy work to see if the patient will benefit from repeating the technique during the week. More often than not, the patient doesn't need to repeat the healing technique afterward.

  3. Limit the number of people doing the energy healing work. The more people involved, the more energy will be shifted and the higher the need for adaptation at the physical level, not just the emotional or mental levels.

  4. Set intentions that determine the rate and process of healing. Adding intentions using words like "gradually" or "safely" over a specific period of time can help determine the rate of healing.

  5. Start with "supporting" rather than "clearing" intentions. When supportive intentions are used, the energy repletes deficiencies. When clearing intentions are used, the energy detoxifies and releases energy. Since everything is made of energy, this may result in physical detoxifications and often does. A vacuum of energy may remain after the clearing process and the detoxification process can feel stressful and result in negative symptoms. 

  6. Give the patient time to heal. Rather than adding more intentions every week, sometimes a patient needs time to process and heal from the energy work done in the past. Sometimes certain intentions lead to healing processes that will take months or years. It doesn't necessarily mean that one can't continue the healing work, but it's important for the individuals involved to understand that healing intentions have a ripple effect over time and often take time to manifest at different levels of being.

  7. Use general positive intentions rather than try to micromanage the healing process. For example, a general positive intention may be worded as "heal, improve, and support the biorhythms and circadian rhythms." A more specific micromanaging style would be worded as "decrease the need for melatonin." A holistic approach that supports underlying functions before trying to manipulate the specific functions within the system will lead to a smoother shift in health. Would a physician tell an athlete to complete a marathon before the person heals from a broken leg? Heal the underlying problem before you try to manipulate specific outcomes.

  8. Work on basic negative beliefs and attitudes and basic physical issues. For example, for new patients, I will start with healing their negative beliefs around deserving to be well, rather than going more in-depth with the healing process. Also, I often start by helping patients create a positive energy response to water, rather than pile on a lot of supplements. Believe it or not, the majority of my new patients test weak to water and the phrase "deserving to be well" during their initial evaluation process.

For some patients, these precautions may not be necessary. These patients can heal in great leaps and bounds, adapting to change with ease.

For other patients who are very sensitive to energy and adapt poorly to change, these suggestions are critical to their healing process. 

I am pleased that my energy healing approach can improve and grow over time. As a clinician, I believe that these insights reflect a more thoughtful perspective and will lead to less suffering during the healing process.

have a wonderful week

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To schedule consultations or appointments, call Dr. Lee's office at 240-437-7600
Dr. Lee has office locations in Lehi, Utah, and Yonkers, New York. I am currently practicing out of Lehi, Utah.

The content provided by the Holistic Article is for informational purposes only and has not been approved by the U.S. FDA. This article is not intended to provide personal medical advice, which should be obtained from a medical professional.

Copyright © 2024 Alice W. Lee, MD, ABIHM, ABoIM – Holistic & Integrative Psychiatrist in Lehi, Utah, All rights reserved.