Manifesting Intentions Through Your "Reiki" Box


In 2015, after a Reiki training session with David Gleekel at the Reiki Center of Greater Washington, I set out to make my own "Reiki" Box. During class, David shared how effective his Reiki box had been in helping him find the ideal home to purchase.

So what is a Reiki box?
A Reiki box is a box that holds your intentions (written on a piece of paper) that you send positive energy to when you meditate.

Although I didn't need a new home, I had many goals and aspirations that could use some good energy, so I bought a box from Home Goods and typed out a few pages with lists of intentions for various aspects of my life, such as my relationships, my health, my practice, and my book.

For about a year, I meditated nearly every night with the Reiki box on my lap, often rereading my intentions, but I eventually lost interest in the process and laid the box away on a shelf, ignoring it month after month until the months became years.

Recently, it dawned on me that my life-long desire to write "my book" had already been achieved without me realizing it. It made me wonder what other intentions in my Reiki box had also been achieved without me realizing it. As I reviewed what I had written years ago, I had a surprisingly illuminating and profound experience. Read on for the full story!

Manifesting Intentions Through Your "Reiki" Box


When I was about ten, I read a book called The Greatest Salesman in the Worldby Og Mandino, which inspired me so much that it set me off on a quest to be a writer of my own book. Unfortunately, my dream was dogged by the Universe's (and my parents') profound antipathy towards my artistic goal. Unable to manifest my dream the way I thought it should unfold, I decided to be a psychiatrist instead (my version of joining the nunnery). 

Forty years and several different adaptations of psychiatry later, I realized that what I had initially desired as a child had come true, but just in a different way than I had imagined. Rather than writing a physical book, I had written more than enough to fill my "virtual book" on my website. Simultaneously, I realized that the same goals I had as a young aspiring writer had been accomplished: I had inspired and helped others. I had shared valuable information that improved people's lives. I had grown through the process: over 3,000 people visit my site each month to read its contents.

I wondered to myself, what other goals have I achieved in my Reiki box without realizing it? As I reread the many intentions in that box, I was struck by the phrases I used at the time that now appear in my routine life and practice. Here are a few examples:

1. When I work with my patients, I am supported through my intuitive connection to God's wisdom and power. 

I have been doing Energy Breaths before I start doing energy work with my patients to focus on what would be best for their healing during their session. I have found this practice invaluable in giving me insight into what I need to do to support my patients.

2. My family relationships are fulfilling, loving, and warm. I know that I am loved by them, and I am able to love them in return.

This past year, I was able to reconcile with my son, which made my family relationships complete at last.

3. I am able to overcome any and all temptations to procrastinate writing my book. 

Yeah, I tricked myself into not procrastinating by writing "my book" on my website without knowing it was to be my book. I thought I was procrastinating, but I was actually getting my writing out through my weekly insights.

4. My gift is to bring greater creative freedom and authenticity into the world.

I had forgotten I wrote these words years ago and was startled to see them reflected both in my Reiki intentions and at the top of my weekly insights. 

5. I have wonderful friends who are able to be supportive, understanding, and uplifting. 

When I left the Mormon church in 2017, I left pretty much my entire network of "friends." It was the right thing to do for me, but not an easy time. Since then, people have come into my life, one by one, through the generous, loving abundance of the Universe. Now I have genuine friends who understand me, value who I am, and make me feel seen.

I'd estimate that about 80% of my intentions in my Reiki box have manifested in my life over time, which made me even more optimistic that the rest will follow! 

I hope you'll have fun creating your own Reiki box for 2020. Fill it up with empowering intentions. Meditate with it regularly and watch your intentions blossom in the garden of your beautiful life!