How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too


Part of the benefits of living in Lehi, Utah is the easy availability of homemade meals delivered to one's door. There are many women here with home-based cooking businesses in the community.

I've solved my problem of "decorating the inside of my refrigerator" with wasted food and saved a lot of money and time by signing up for their deliveries.

However. . . with these dinners, I get a complimentary dessert. They're not healthy, but they're delicious. What to do?

Here's how I have my cake and eat it too! Have a great week!

How to Have Your Cake and Eat It Too

Putting positive energy back into restricted enjoyments


Once, when I was attending a holistic (energy medicine) conference, I watched as a shaman spent some time with his hands over his meal, sending energy to his food before he ate it.

As a group, we had decided to go to a nearby grocery store and help ourselves to a cafeteria-like smorgasbord of various prepared foods. I'm sure the food was below the poor shaman's standards, so he sent some energy into his food before eating it.

Fast forward to this evening, as I stare at the slice of dessert that J.C. Fish delivered to my door, along with cranberry pork chops, Brussels sprouts, and potatoes. Should I throw it away? Such a shame to throw away something so delicious. Is there a way I can turn this "bad" food into something better for me?

I first energy tested the dessert using the sway test. Yup, as expected, I swayed backward, which indicates that the dessert wasn't good for me. Still . . . . I decided to do what the shaman did and put my hands over the dessert, connected to Life Energy, and directed the energy into my dessert.

Then I tested it again. This time, I swayed forwards. I put the dessert on the counter and came back a few minutes later to see if it still tested positive. It did. I guess I can have my cake and eat it too.

Oftentimes, our lives are like dessert. We want to enjoy it, but there's a part of it that can hurt us or isn't good for us. Do we just toss it aside? Or can we do something to improve its effect on our lives? To have your cake and eat it too, try adding some Life Energy into your life through meditation and intention.

Experiment with putting positive energy into your daily routine and see if the chaotic and frustrating parts of your day transform into the enjoyment and empowerment you want in your life.

Hope this helps. Have a wonderful week!