Case of the Vanishing Miracle

Inquiry by Lee Yootae (Korean 1916-1999)

National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art--Korea

Embark on an extraordinary narrative unfolding in the heart of a profound healing journey.

In the Case of the Vanishing Miracle, we delve into the remarkable tale of Naomi, whose struggle with mental health led her family on a quest for unconventional remedies.

Join us as we unravel the complexities of energy healing, witnessing its miraculous potential and the poignant realities that accompany its transformative power. Through highs and lows, triumphs and setbacks, this narrative illuminates the profound impact of faith, resilience, and the enduring quest for healing.

Case of the Vanishing Miracle
How Energy Healing Results Came and Went

By the time Naomi's parents flew me to their home to provide energy healing, her mental health had deteriorated quickly and drastically. She hadn't eaten for two days and drank very little water. She didn't respond to her family and was constantly, rapidly, and quietly mumbling to herself, completely lost in her own thoughts. In addition, she couldn't stop pacing in the house, walking in a circular path from one room to another. 

Naomi had run out of time for her antipsychotic withdrawal. During her withdrawal process, she became intolerant of her antipsychotic medication. Switching to another one soon resulted in horrible, negative side effects. It was as if her body had become hypersensitized to the medications.

When she took an antipsychotic, she immediately became worse: yelling, agitated, delusional, paranoid, suicidal, impulsive, and fearful. I had to abort the medication withdrawal process and stop her medication. 

I added Lexapro, which seemed to stop her suicidal thoughts, and also CBD oil to try to decrease antipsychotic withdrawal symptoms, but neither helped to eliminate her deteriorating course. What other options remained besides hospitalization?

Her parents decided to try a different intervention.

The Four Heavenly Kings (Shitennō) 2006
by Akira Yamaguchi (born 1969)

They flew me to them, paid for an Airbnb and rental car, and allowed me to do energy healing work on Naomi based on my energy testing to determine the frequency, duration, and areas of focus. 

Each energy healing session lasted about half an hour. On the first day, I did three sessions. For the remaining four days, I did two sessions per day.

A summary of my clinical progress notes follows:

The first time I came to the house, the patient initially hid in the bathroom and refused to come out. She did not have proper eye contact and was mumbling quietly to herself, entirely lost in her internal thoughts.

The patient's G.I. system began to grumble and growl during the initial energy sessions, and the patient got up and ate and drank a little during the first and second sessions. After the second session, Naomi ate a large dinner at 7:15 pm. After the third session, she was able to sleep until 10:30 am the next morning, a good night's rest for the first time in weeks.

On the second day, she ate breakfast, responded to instructions quickly, and was more aware of her surroundings. For the first time, she stopped mumbling to herself briefly during energy healing work, went into a deep, tranquil state, and stopped talking to herself entirely. Her ceaselessly moving feet became still. Eye contact, appetite, and sleep improved. She slept throughout the majority of the second day.

On the third day, she was verbal and insightful enough to have a conversation with a parent, sharing her concerns about being lost in her own "metaverse" like the Spiderman movie, and voicing her thoughts out loud. She stopped mumbling to herself during much of the energy work session and responded quickly with "thanks" and "okay, got it" when I told her that I would return the next day. She was eating more consistently, but still unable to eat on her own and ate her meals with her eyes closed.

On the fourth day, I noted that the patient was "verbal, responsive, and compliant with directions." She had a conversation with a parent about "many topics" in the morning. The patient continued to show improvements in all areas. Though distractible, her eye contact and verbal responses improved to near-normal functional levels. 

She was able to tie her shoes and put on her coat to go out to her first acupuncture appointment, leaving the house for the first time in a month. Though very anxious about going to the acupuncturist, she was able to be persuaded to do so. She seemed better right after the acupuncture session, but she became more anxious that evening.

By the fifth day, she was eating reliably on her own. She told me where to go to find a good restaurant nearby and easily retrieved my keys that I accidentally left on the living room table. After the last in-person session, she asked to have a private conversation with me. 

I taught the family how to do energy work and asked them to do it twice per day for five minutes each day for the patient. The parents wanted to take the patient that weekend to Alternatives to Meds in Sedona, Arizona because she could now eat on her own and was responding well to direction. 

I flew back to New York after the fifth day, amazed at the patient's rate of improvement over the past five days. I didn't know how she would do after I left, but I hoped that the acupuncturist and the family would be able to help with continued energy work. I also recommended to the parents a schedule for continued regular energy work for the patient at a distance to maintain the patient's progress.

However, the parents had their own plan.

Poem on the Theme of Snow (14th Century)
Musō Soseki (Zen Priest, 1275-1351)
(full poem located at the end of the article)

I waited, but the parents didn't reach out to set up any follow-up appointments. In addition, they didn't provide any energy work to the patient. On the third day after my return, I got a text from the parents that the patient was back to mumbling to herself and pacing around the house.

The parents expected me to do an energy healing session at a distance immediately that night and wouldn't agree to any further follow-up energy work.

Instead, they wanted to "wait and see" if one half-hour session would result in a noticeable change. If not, then they didn't want any more energy work. 

Believe it or not, it's not the first time that I've experienced less appreciation after providing a miraculous turn-around. In this instance, I believe that Naomi's parents were disappointed by and resentful of their vanishing miracle because they expected it to last. Obviously, while they had great faith in in-person energy work, they lacked faith in energy healing at a distance.

From my perspective, energy healing is like charging a computer. When the computer is fully charged, it will work. If it's not charged, it will stop working. It's a matter of dosage.

Also, whether energy healing will work in person or at a distance depends on the healer's mindset, i.e. faith. I don't know whether energy healing work will work at a distance, just like I don't know whether energy healing work will work in person. I just need to have faith that it will. 

Eventually, I found a way to record my energy sessions for the patient and email them to the parents, and they began using the recordings to guide their energy work for the patient twice per day. The acupuncturist is continuing to work on the patient twice per week. 

After this experience, I have greater faith in the ability of energy healing to help my patients even at a distance. Why not? I've done it before with good results for smaller clinical problems. I think healing bigger clinical problems would just depend on the dosage of energy (concentration over an appropriate duration and frequency).

Soon after I returned to New York, I began recording all my energy healing work sessions with my patients and sent them the recordings to guide them in doing their own energy work. I even added soothing meditation music to their recordings. Those who chose to listen to their recording at the recommended frequency seemed to improve faster.

Dosage matters.

Have you ever had an experience where energy healing helped someone you know improve so rapidly and dramatically that it seemed miraculous? 

Have you ever seen clinical improvements from energy healing work evaporate over time without proper reinforcement?

I'd love to hear from you about your experiences and stories.

Have a great week!

(The patient was given a pseudonym to maintain confidentiality) 

Poem on the Theme of Snow

Icy flowers fall, obscuring the color of the sky.
Jade dust buries the earth, masking the blue mountains.
As the sun rises over the peak--
Bone-chilling silence.

Written by a clumsy old stutterer