Breaking Through Unexpected Withdrawal Barriers

I have good news and bad news about Leslie's healing journey since last week's breakthrough understanding of the immune system's role in tough withdrawals.

First, the bad news: we used energy medicine to treat Leslie's hypersensitivity to her own neurotransmitter system, but her condition only improved a little. She remained quite miserable.

Now the good news: on her next session, we treated any immune reactions she had to her own hormones and any psychological blockages that prevented her from healing successfully, and she immediately felt much, much better!

As promised, I will go over the energy healing techniques used and report on some of my clinical findings. Read on to find out how to heal some of the most common invisible determinants of mental health.

Breaking Through Unexpected Withdrawal Barriers

Invisible Psychological and Physical Determinants of Mental Health

I've been learning some unexpected things about the body's immune system. In particular, its role in perpetuating mental illness.

Because Leslie's condition didn't improve significantly after we treated her hypersensitivity to her own neurotransmitter system, I had to keep working on a solution for her continued depression and anxiety. 

The idea dawned on me that many of the medications affect receptors that bind to hormones, not just neurotransmitters. Do patients also develop hypersensitivity reactions to their own hormones? 

With further energy testing, I got a resounding YES! Many patients also develop hypersensitivity reactions to their own hormones since the hormonal system is closely connected to the neurotransmitter system. Some molecules serve as both neurotransmitters and hormones in the body. 

In Leslie's case, I tested for the level of being corresponding to her root causes for mental illness, i.e. are her root causes located in her spiritual, mental, emotional, physical, or social states of being? It turned out that her root causes could be found in her mental and emotional levels of being.

Using energy testing, we came up with several statements that can remove blockages at that level for her and used the Empower Energy Technique (EET) to help her with a few issues, among them:

  1. Heal and release the part of me that believes I need to be on a psychiatric medication in order to be mentally well and thrive in life. 

  2. Heal and release the part of me that identifies with being depressed and anxious, and relies on psychiatric medications in order to remain stable.

  3. Heal and release the belief that I am not allowed to live my own life and be happy, successful, and self-sufficient in doing so, and that includes my decision to use a holistic health paradigm.

After she did the last statement, her mood significantly improved. She couldn't help chuckling at the way I was yawning as we were doing the EET together. I always yawn during energy work. It's part of how I help my patients clear their blockages. Her resting facial expression was a small smile of amusement.

After resolving some of her emotional and psychological root causes, we did some energy testing to assess her hypersensitivity to her own hormonal systems. As it turned out, Leslie had quite a few intense hypersensitivities to her own hormones.

Using the Infinite Intention Technique, we set specific intentions to, 1) clear the misinformation within her immune system, and 2) heal and repair damage from inflammation, and 3) support optimal hormonal health.

At the end of her session, Leslie reported feeling "much, much better," which is a great sign that the energy work has targeted the right areas for her. There were no other interventions during the session other than the energy work we did together.

I felt euphoric and triumphant at the end of her session. Because of the challenging nature of her healing journey, Leslie and I explored new underlying causes that we had never considered before, and with persistence, we were able to help her feel better.

I told Leslie that her healing was just beginning. Without a hypersensitivity reaction to her own hormones and neurotransmitter systems, her body will finally be able to improve its hormonal and neurotransmitter levels and functions without accompanying increases in inflammation.

She will finally be able to manifest optimal well-being without being "attacked for being herself," an unfortunate theme that ran through her early childhood, and profoundly affected her mentally and emotionally.

Have a great week!

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The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast: Episode 65
The Secret Cause Behind Tough Withdrawals

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Today's podcast explores a hidden cause behind many failed medication withdrawals. Usually, we will see signs of this secret underlying cause in patients who react badly to taking medications yet find it hard to lower them without experiencing intense "withdrawal" symptoms.

When patients stop taking their medications, they may feel good for a few days, but then their mental health worsens. What is this mysterious underlying cause? Listen as Jack and I discuss the nature of the problem, how it was discovered, and how to treat it.

Click here to listen to all of The Holistic Psychiatrist Podcast episodes.

Please empower and strengthen holistic psychiatric approaches by sharing these podcasts with others! Thank you!

For more about Dr. Lee, check out YouTube: The Holistic Psychiatrist
To schedule consultations or appointments, call her office at 240-437-7600.